Friday 2 March 2012

Is It Possible To Trace a Mobile Number In Pakistan?

Is It Possible To Trace a Mobile Number In Pakistan?

A question asked by approximately 500 people. There is no day when my inbox is not filled with emails about getting help about tracing a Pakistani based mobile number.
There is nothing impossible in this world and this is also included in that. There is always a way to do everything.
There are a lot of softwares out there which can trace the mobile numbers but they work only within USA or European countries. Currently there is no software for Pakistan.

There is another way of tracing a mobile number in Pakistan. Did you know that the employs of cellular companies have access to all your information and they can even track your current location. Police also ask them to trace the criminals sometimes. You have to build some links within the cellular companies if you want to trace a mobile number.
I also have some links in cellular companies. I am actually working in one of the leading cellular company of Pakistan. I cannot fulfill any request of tracing a mobile number because i am in the engineering field of company.
So the final conclusion is you must build some links within cellular companies if you want to trace a mobile number in Pakistan.


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