Sunday 24 July 2011

How to add GOOGLE Analytics to Blogger(Easy Method)

It is always a great trouble for newbie bloggers and even beginner bloggers who have no knowledge about HTML editing that how to add this code in their site.

The  most common method in internet is to copy the analytic code and paste it below the <body> tag but they do not tell where this tag is located and in trying to add the analytic code most of bloggers corrupts their template. 

So here is the most simple method:

1-Go to your analytic account  and create a new profile and add your url select time zone and complete the process.

2-After that you will be given a code. Copy the code and go to your blogger account and click on design.

3-Click on add a gadget. I recommend to add gadget below the post.

4-Choose the  HTML/Java script gadget. A box will open and then paste your analytic code in this box and click on save. Remember not to add any title of this gadget.

5-Wait for 1-2 days to start seeing your  stats.

GOOGLE Analytic is a great resource for site or blog owners for real time stats.
I hope you like this easy method. I you are facing any difficulties in this method then fell free to ask. I will help you.
GOOGLE is a trademark of Google Inc.
Blogger is a trademark of Google Inc.
GOOGLE Analytics is a trademark of Google Inc.


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