Sunday 30 December 2012

YouTube Blocked Again on PM Order

29 December 2012 - PTA shut down the public sharing website YouTube again after opening the website for about 2 hours.

PTA ordered the internet service providers in Pakistan to unblock the YouTube at 2:35. But just after 2 hours, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf issued a directive to block the website again. This situation looks like a misunderstanding between PTA and Prime Minister. It is still not clear that who was behind the first order of opening the website.
YouTube Blocked Again on PMa Order

Abdul Rehman Malik was giving hints about lifting the ban on YouTube on Friday and probably he was the person behind the order for opening the YouTube.

Ismail Shah said that the MoITT re-opened the website to check if the anti-Islam content had not been posted on new links and then access was cut off.


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