Wednesday 21 November 2012

PTA Bans Night Call Packages

PTA(Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) has ordered all mobile phone companies to immediately shut down all late night call packages.
PTA Bans Night Call Packages

According to PTA Chairman Farooq Awan these night call packages are immoral and are promoting vulgarity. Also a huge number of complaints from Supreme court, Parliment members and standing comitte or Parliment have been recieved.

The PTA says it recognises that liberalisation and tough competition in the cellular mobile market have pushed operators to introduce various promotional packages to subscribers. However, the PTA insists that as long as practices “against social norms” are not encouraged, the operators are free to continue providing better quality of services to their subscribers at affordable prices.

Protection of consumer interests is specified under Section 18 (1) of the act and the PTA is required to submit yearly reports on the same to the federal government. At the same time, under Section 6 (a) of the act, the authority is also bound to protect the rights of licensees.


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